I am continuing my journey to create games/ learn Japanese and brush up my English language skills through this journey, I will be sharing all things I did in a day and what difficulties I faced while doing them.
Wow! It’s already day 5, like I mentioned I am getting bit overwhelmed and now that content is getting tougher, so I am shifting my big projects and assignments on work off day and on workdays I will focus on learning only.
Learned numbers from 10000-99999.
Ichi man- 10000, 99999- Kyuu man Kyuu sen kyuu hyaku kyuu juu kyuu Used Practice sheet to write (a, i, u, e ,o) (ka, ki ku ke ko) letters.
And wrote all series of hiragana letters.
From BBC Learning English, today i have completed;
Unit 3
Session 1
Activity 3: Consists of 'Like' for preference and description.
Activity 4: Prefixes
Session 2
Activity 1: Revision of Session 1.
Activity 2: How to use of 'like' for description.
Activity 3: Using adjectives
Activity 4: 6 Minute Grammar: Like
CSS box model by building a Rothko painting. Created 3 rectangles using “div” and give them unique “class” attribute.
Styling the edges of rectangle, blurring them and adjusting border-radius and box-shadow, used transform property to rotate classes. Completed this short activity.
Started with next lesson Text and strings, completed one challenge by using text and textSize commands.
In another challenge I learnt to manipulate shape and text with code. learnt to combine strings: concatenating strings. Working on assignment for Ad design.
Game design
I am reading this book called “The Art of Game Design” by Jesse Schell.
Today, I completed a few pages and read about:
Balance Type #9: Punishment; Common types of punishments used in game -
Shaming, loss of points, etc. Lens of Punishment.
Balance type #10: Freedom Vs Controlled experience, Balance type #11: Simple Vs Complex; Lens of simplicity/complexity.
Worked on creating a flow charts and breakdown of beats which are going to set in my game level.
Miro Link: