Today is Day 3 of this series
I am continuing my journey to create games/ learn Japanese and brush up my English language skills through this journey, I will be sharing all things I did in a day and what difficulties I faced while doing them.
Game design
Creating Level design document: Challenge is to think of new narrative and name for my game/level and setting a name for first level. But I overcome this situation with help of verbs list and found a suitable name for my game; and for level name i just made up a station name.
Github Link:
I am reading this book called “The Art of Game Design” by Jesse Schell. Today, I completed a few pages and read about:
The Lens of
Competition vs. Cooperation
Game Balance Type:
Short vs. Long: Balancing length of gameplay.
Rewards: Common types of rewards like praise, points, powers, etc.
Responsive Web Design
Added 'for' attributes in label elements and 'ID' attributes with the same values in input elements.
Used rows and cols attributes to adjust the textarea box and added a placeholder for the textarea.
Used the name attribute in input elements to help identify the element during form submission.
Completed the HTML registration form today and am working on styling it.
Unit 1 Lesson 8: Resizing with Variables
Used math expressions in JS.
Set variables with hardcoded numbers.
Did some brainstorming on the shooting star project, but nothing worked. Need to improvise; I figured out a way to move a few stars and set the prominent shape of the shooting star.
Japanese: Learned numbers from 1-100, and as a personal exercise I wrote Hiragana letters once in my book.
In Unit 2, Session 2, completed the remaining 2 activities out of 3.
- These activities were examples of present continuous and present simple in different forms.
Started with Unit 2, Session 3, and completed 2 activities.
- In this session, a famous fashion designer talks about his work and what he thinks about life in London.
Finished Unit 3, Session 4.
Activity 1: Spot the difference in the given text.
Activity 2: An audio exercise to get familiar with vocabulary.