Day 26: 06/01/2025 : My Skill Up Journey


Welcome to my learning journey in Coding, Game design and languages. Extensive study of C and JS languages. Game design I am creating a 2D/3D level for “plant the bomb” game objective. And learning Japanese from Zero! and revisiting English lessons from lower-intermediate course level.


JavaScript: Completed with project game shelf for this chapter, using for loops and arrays created 3 games entries with displaying its rating, author name and different color for each game.

GitHub Link:

C: Completed with Chapter 5: Functions and Recursion and its practice set as well.

  1. Create a function to calculate the force of attraction

  2. Create a function to convert Celsius to Fahrenheit

  3. Create a function to print a pattern

  4. Create a program using recursion to calculate the nth element of the Fibonacci series

  5. Create a program for a recursive function to calculate the sum of the first n natural numbers

  6. Create a program using a function to find the average of 3 numbers

GitHub Link:

Game design

I am reading this book called “The Art of Game Design” by Jesse Schell. Today,
In Chapter 15: One Kind of Experience Is the story covered this topics
Story Tips for Game Designers
Story Tip #7: Use Cliches Judiciously
Story Tip #8: Sometimes a Map brings a story to Life
The Lens of Story.
CHAPTER 16: Story and Game Structures can be Artfully merged with indirect control
The Feeling of Freedom: The Lens of Freedom

LDD: Completed creating ramps for CT/T spawn to A/B site, today i worked on mid paths from T to A/B site.


Japanese: Learned about from (kare) and until(made) particles. Revised all the previous content. Used Practice sheet to write all letters.

English: BBC leaning English, Course- lower intermediate
Unit 8
Session 1
Activity 2: The language of travel.
Activity 3: 6 Minute Vocabulary
Session 2
Activity 1: Learn the language: articles. Watch the video and complete the activity.
Activity 2: When to use 'the'. Listen to the audio and complete the activity.