Welcome to my learning journey in Coding, Game design and languages. Extensive study of C and JS languages. Game design I am creating a 2D/3D level for “plant the bomb” game objective. And learning Japanese from Zero! and revisiting English lessons from lower-intermediate course level.
JavaScript: Started with Lesson 16: Objects Topics covered today 3. Arrays of objects and completed one challenge of it, with this I have completed this chapter.
GitHub Link:
C: Started with Chapter 5: Functions and Recursion topics that covered today are definition, syntax and what is sequence of function prototype, call, and Definition.
GitHub Link:
Game design
I am reading this book called “The Art of Game Design” by Jesse Schell. Today,
In Chapter 15:One Kind of Experience Is the story covered this topics
Story Tips for Game Designers
Story Tip #3: Consider the Hero’s Journey
Vogler's Synopsis of the Hero's Journey
The Ordinary world, The Call to Adventure, Refusal of the Call, Meeting with Mentor, Crossing the threshold, Tests; Allies; Enemies, Approaching the Cave, The Ordeal, The Reward, The Road Back, Resurrection, Returning with Elixir. The Lens of the Hero’s Journey.
LDD: Completed creating ramps for CT/T spawn to A/B site, today i worked on mid paths from CT to A site.
Japanese: Learned about Time(Ni) and location(Ni and He) particles. Revised all the previous content. Used Practice sheet to write all letters.
English: BBC leaning English, Course- lower intermediate
Unit 7
Session 4
Activity 1: Days I'll remember forever, Listen to the audio and complete the activity.
Activity 2: News Report: The happiest job in the world? Listen to the audio.
Session 5
Activity 1: Drama. Listen to the audio.
Activity 2: The Race: Episode 7. Listen to the audio