Welcome to my learning journey in Coding, Game design and languages. Extensive study of C and JS languages. Game design I am creating a 2D/3D level for “plant the bomb” game objective. And learning Japanese from Zero! and revisiting English lessons from lower-intermediate course level.
JavaScript: Completed Lesson 15: Arrays with last topic Modifying arrays, completed one challenge for same. New Project: Make it rain when I need to use for and random function to add more drops of rain and few others things.
C: Chapter 4: Loop Control Instruction
In Chapter 4: Loop Control Instruction started with Practice Set.
Print multiplication table on given number
Print multiplication table of number 10 in reverse order
Sum first 10 natural numbers using while loop
Sum first 10 natural numbers using do-while and for loop
Sum of the numbers occurring in the multiplication table of 8
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Game design
I am reading this book called “The Art of Game Design” by Jesse Schell. Today,
In Chapter 15:One Kind of Experience Is the story covered this topics
Good never wrote a good play in his life.
The Dream The Reality
Real World Method 1: The String of Pearls (a.k.a Rivers and lake method)
Real World Method 2: The Story Machine
Lens #65: The Lens of the Story Machine
LDD: Created default ramps for each measurements(1-4) where 1 ramp stands for 1 second of distance covered and 4 for 4 seconds. Fixed some paths line layouts from CT/T spawn to A/B site.
Japanese: Learned about asking for things and new words: How much? please, please I request. New particle O[object marker] and MO [inclusion marker].Revised all the previous content. Used Practice sheet to write all letters.
English: BBC leaning English, Course- lower intermediate
Unit 6: Great achievers; Past simple
Session 5
Activity 3: Phil's video diary
Activity 4:The Weekly Quiz with this completed Unit 6.
Started with Unit 7: The Titanic Past simple and past continuous
Session 1
Activity 1: A disaster at sea; Read the text and try the activity