Day 20 : 29/12/2024 : My Skill Up Journey


Welcome to my learning journey in Coding, Game design and languages. Extensive study of C and JS languages. Game design I am creating a 2D/3D level for “plant the bomb” game objective. And learning Japanese from Zero! and revisiting English lessons from lower-intermediate course level.


JavaScript: Started Lesson 15: Arrays, Intro to Arrays, Looping through arrays completed one challenge for each.

C: Chapter 4: Loop Control Instruction
Continued with same chapter, today I cover remaining two types of loops i.e. do-while and for-loop along with break and continue statements.

Game design

I am reading this book called “The Art of Game Design” by Jesse Schell. Today, I Completed Chapter 14 with Interest Factor Examples, Putting it all together.
Started Chapter 15:One Kind of Experience Is the story.

LDD: Completed line layouts from Ct/T spawn to A/B site, today i fixed some paths from both spawns to site and created middle path for both teams


Japanese: Learned this, next and last dates: how to read dates of last, this and next of each week, month and year. Revised all the previous content. Used Practice sheet to write all letters.

English: BBC leaning English, Course- lower intermediate
Unit 6: Great achievers; Past simple
Session 4 Activity 1: My hero… ; Watch the video and complete the activity
Activity 2: News Report
Session 5 Activity 1: Drama
Activity 2: The Race: Episode 6