Day 18 : 26/12/2024 : My Skill Up Journey

18th Day of my learning journey in Coding, Game design and languages. Extensive study of C and JS languages. Game design I am creating a 2D/3D level for “plant the bomb” game objective. And learning Japanese from Zero! and revisiting English lessons from lower-intermediate course level.


JavaScript: Completed project: build a house. There are 4 conditions to fulfill this project so far I have completed all four of them but I still think that can it be done better using other functions so I will research a bit and improve my code.

C: Completed with Chapter 3 practice set problems, today I create 3 programs:
Check whether entered year is leap year or not.
Check if character is lower case or not (ASCII values)
Check which is the greatest number.

Game design

I am reading this book called “The Art of Game Design” by Jesse Schell. Today, I completed a few topics and read about:
Started with Chapter 14: where author speaks about his experience and learns from his past experience, lens covered today: The Lens of Interest curves, Inherent Interest.

LDD: Started working on creating white blocking from 3d line layout in unreal engine 4. I have create spawn points, objectives and create A site path from CT spawn-A site and T Spawn-A site.


Japanese: Learned past tense and used all past learnings in past form. Revised all the previous content. Used Practice sheet to write all letters.

English: BBC leaning English, Course- lower intermediate
Unit 6: Great achievers; Past simple
Session 1
Activity 3: 6 Minute Vocabulary

Session 2 More about the past simple tense.
Activity 1: Watch the video and do the activity
Activity 2: How to make past simple questions
Activity 3: Meet Danny Murphy and practise past simple