Continuing this journey with improving my skills in JavaScript, Data Structures and algorithms. And for Game design, I am continuing with creating a Level design document and read a book about game design. And learning Japanese from Zero! and revisiting English lessons from lower-intermediate.
English: BBC leaning English, Course- lower intermediate
Unit 3, Session 5
Activity 1: Drama; The Race: Episode 3 - Phil's audio diary
Activity 2: Continuation of audio diary
Activity 3: Phil's video diary
Activity 4: The Weekly Quiz
Unit 4, Session 1
Activity 1: Adverbs of frequency
Activity 2: Vocabulary test
Learned age-related phrases and basic greetings.
Revised all the numbers from 0 to 1,000,000,000.
Used practice sheet to write (a, ka, sa, na) letters.
Wrote all series of hiragana letters once.
Game design
LDD: In last session, I completed Level overview and Level Walkthrough. Today I worked on Beat chart (Critical Path Only), breakdown of enemies and pickups. And Intensity And Difficulty Over Time Graph.
link of LDD:
I am reading this book called “The Art of Game Design” by Jesse Schell. Today, I completed a few pages and read about:
Game balancing methodologies, balancing game economics: 10 types of Balancing Economics, and The Lens of Economy.
Worked on project: Animal Attack, results are not meeting my expectations. I need work more on creating another animal and animate it. Learned creating custom functions and using it multiple times along with function parameters.
Computer science theory:
Unit 1, Intro to Algorithms: Learning about selection sorting and implementing them, this is getting tough for me i was not able to grasp all the info only by reading i have to refer a video tutorials because i am not able to solve exercises based on sorting.